Clover Garden School places safety and security as a top priority for all of students, staff, and parents. We strive to equip our teachers and leaders in the building with the tools and training that they need to ensure that our students are safe and secure. Our school employs a School Resource Officer from the local sheriff’s department. The School Resource Officer is on campus daily during school hours. We also employ additional law enforcement for afterschool activities and events.
In addition to our faculty and staff, our campus is constantly under monitored surveillance. We have “in-house” security guards that monitor our camera system daily in our front office. In order to enter our locked building, you must have badge or key access. Permission may be granted through a “buzz in” system that is located at both our front and rear campus entrances. In order to pick up a student, you must provide your photo identification. All visitors must sign in using our computerized Ident-a-Kid secure check in procedure. We also keep background checks on file in our front office and have the availability in house to run background checks as needed for all of our volunteers and chaperones.

Safety Reporting
Should you have any questions, or concerns about the safety of our Clover Garden campus, please contact our School’s Resource Officer at (336) 586-9440 extension 203.