Happy New Year! With the New Year comes another exciting time, Lottery Season! That means that now is your chance to apply to our 2024-2025 admissions lottery. Click here to access the Lotterease application portal. Be sure to select the 2024-2025 Lottery that applies to your student. If you have questions about the Lotterease Application process, please get in touch with our registrar, Mrs. Nina Miller at ninamiller@cgsnc.org.
Below is information from our Handbook that explains the lottery process in detail.
Application Process for Enrollment for 2024-2025 School Year
* A child must be five years old on or before August 31, 2024 to enroll as a Kindergarten student.
* Application forms must be completed online via Lotterease. The link to Lotterease is located on our
school’s website. If you need help applying please stop by the school office and someone will help
you place your application through the Lotterease program. No paper applications will be
* If you are currently on the 2023-2024 waitlist for Clover Garden School, you will need to apply for
the 2024-2025 school year as the waitlist does not carry over.
* All Applications received between January 2nd, 2024 and March 1 st , 2024 before 5:00 P.M. will be
eligible for the public lottery to be held Monday, March 4th , 2024 at 2:00 P.M. To follow along with
the lottery process by Lotterease, please refer to the Clover Garden School website.
* Available student slots will be determined by the number of current students planning to return for
the 2024-2025 school year.
* Applications received after March 1st, 2024 will be placed at the end of the waiting list for that
grade level after the lottery has run and will not be part of the lottery process.
* Siblings of students currently attending Clover Garden School for an entire year are given priority
sibling placement for the following year as space becomes available, but must complete an online
application in Lotterease.
* If multiple birth siblings apply for admission to a charter school and a lottery is needed under G.S.
115C-218.45(g)(2), the charter school shall enter one surname into the lottery to represent all of the
multiple birth siblings. If that surname of the multiple birth siblings is selected, then all of the
multiple birth siblings shall be admitted.
* Kindergarten siblings of returning students need to have an application submitted to be part of the
sibling lottery for enrollment.
Tags: admissions, lottery, News