We hope that everyone had a safe and healthy week last week and got to enjoy a little bit of winter weather! We are currently monitoring roads/sidewalks and are hoping for the lingering snow/ice to melt this afternoon with the warmer temperatures. Our concerns are patchy black ice and shaded areas with below-freezing temperatures this evening into the morning hours. Please be on the lookout for an email/text this evening with details if we will need to close. Thank you for your patience during this time of inclement weather.

Covid-19 continues to be a strong presence in our community and within our school. Overall, our percentage of total quarantined students/staff has decreased and for this, we are very grateful! Closing last week helped to minimize the spread of Covid-19 within our school building.  We are hoping to continue to see decreased positive cases and quarantined students/staff this week. Unfortunately, we have hit another record high for positive cases reported in one week at CGS with positive cases topping out at 32 and growing. Our community currently sits at approximately 31% Covid-19 positivity rate. These numbers are concerning but at CGS we are putting as many mitigations and measures in place to help prevent our students and staff from becoming ill. Our students will see changes next week in regards to arrival/dismissal procedures as we work to mitigate and minimize the spread of Covid-19 within the building.

Face Mask Guidance has been updated with the CDC. The new variant of the virus is 3x as transmissible as the previous variants. Please make sure your student has a 3 layered face mask on while on campus. If they don’t have a layered mask on, we will be sending them to the front office for a new mask. This is for their safety and for the safety of all of our students/staff. Gaiters and single-layered facemasks haven’t shown to be as effective in providing protection against the virus as the 3- layered facemasks. There are gaiters now that have strings attached that go over the ears to help the mask fit more properly. Please encourage your child to wear the most effective type of facemask to help keep them safe and protected.

Some families have reached out to us regarding keeping your student at home during this elevated time of concern with Covid-19 cases increasing in our community. We understand and hear your concerns, but unfortunately, those absences will be considered unexcused as CGS does not offer a remote learning option.

Thank you to all of you who have reached out promptly if your student(s) is experiencing signs or symptoms of Covid-19. Your diligence in quickly identifying signs/symptoms is imperative to helping us continue operating safely. Please contact our Covid-19 coordinator, Mrs. Cox at jennifercox@cgsnc.org for further instructions.


Please see the attached Covid-19 Metrics for CGS.

CGS Faculty/Staff Update:

  • Please help us welcome a few new faces to CGS!
    • Ms. Corbett:
      • Ms. Corbett will be starting this week, she will be CGS’ new school nurse. We are very excited about the opportunity to officially have a school nurse on campus. Welcome Ms. Corbett, we are excited to welcome you to our CGS family!
    • Mrs. Keller:
      • Mrs. Keller started at CGS recently. Mrs. Keller is our Nurses’ Assistant and will be assisting Ms. Corbett in our Nurses’ station on CGS’ campus. Mrs. Keller has already jumped in and has done a phenomenal job helping in the front office and assisting Mrs. Cox, our Covid-19 coordinator with the influx of Covid-19 cases recently. Welcome Mrs. Keller, we are glad you are a part of our team!
    • Mrs. Oakley:
      • Mrs. Oakley has recently started at CGS and works within our EC department. She has been a fantastic addition to our CGS family and to our EC department. Welcome Mrs. Oakley!
  • It is with a heavy heart that I announce that our current Band Director, Mr. Babb’s last day at CGS will be on February 15th. We wish him the best as he pursues other employment opportunities. Band Families, you will be receiving a letter directly from him soon.


  • I-Ready Testing begins this week! This assessment helps us to gauge where our students are performing academically.

National School of Choice Week:

  • National School of Choice Week begins this week! Pay close attention to our Facebook page for activities and events centered around this week as we reflect on the amazing opportunity Clover Garden School offers our students as a public charter school.  Check out this website for more information. Please see the attachment for more information about how CGS will be celebrating this week!

Here’s a quick glance at the week:

Monday, 1/24:

  • SCHOOL CANCELED – Due to potential black ice and below freezing temperatures

Tuesday, 1/25:

  • I-Ready K-12 ELA
  • 4:30        Varsity Girls @ Triangle Math & Science (Millbrook Exchange Community Center)
  • 6:15        Varsity Boys @ Triangle Math & Science (Millbrook Exchange Community Center)

Wednesday, 1/26:

  • I-Ready ELA Make Up
  • 4:00        MS Girls Basketball HOME vs. Cornerstone Charter – LIVE STREAM NFHS NETWORK
  • 5:15        MS Boys Basketball HOME vs. Cornerstone Charter – LIVE STREAM NFHS NETWORK
  • 6:00        Varsity Girls @ Southern Wake Academy – LIVE STREAM NFHS NETWORK
  • 7:30        Varsity Boys @ Southern Wake Academy – LIVE STREAM NFHS NETWORK

Thursday, 1/27:

  • I-Ready K-9 Math
  • 4:00        MS Boys Basketball HOME vs. River Mill  Academy

Friday, 1/28:

  • I-Ready Math Make-Up
  • Hat Day in honor of National School Choice Week! Bring a $1 to wear a hat and wear your favorite Grizzly Gear!
  • 6:00       Varsity Girls Basketball @ Chatham Charter – LIVE STREAM NFHS NETWORK
  • 7:30        Varsity Boys Basketball @ Chatham Charter – LIVE STREAM NFHS NETWORK

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