Decades of research have shown that when schools work together with families to support learning, children are inclined to succeed not just in school but throughout life.  Clover Garden School believes that learning can best take place when there is shared effort, interest, and commitment among students, parents, extended family members, community members and staff.  The goal of this parent and family engagement plan is to support in a more consistent and effective manner those things already in practice as well as to generate new ways of strengthening the partnership between school and home.

At Clover Garden School, the partnership between school and home will be supported by:

  • convening an annual meeting in the school to provide information to parents, family members, and community members about the school and available programs and maintaining on file at the school, at a minimum, a copy of the agenda from the meeting highlighting that Title I programming was discussed; documentation of parental feedback and/or evaluation in the form of sign-in sheets and minutes from the presentation/ meetings; if relevant, a copy of any presentation; and flyers, website announcements, message recordings and/or other advertisements for the meeting;
  • notifying parents of and clearly posting on the School’s website NC School Report Card Data;
  • offering a flexible number of meetings, workshops, and parent conferences that assist parents, family members, and community members in improving the achievement of all children;
  • providing opportunities for all parents, family members, and community members to participate in school activities, including persons with disabilities and limited English proficiency;
  • involving parents, family members, and community members in an organized,  ongoing, and timely way in consultation for the improvement of the School and its’ programs, specifically including these critical stakeholders in the planning, review, and evaluation of programs and improve programs based on the results;
  • having all parties involved sign a School/Family/Student Compact stating how each will contribute to ensuring the student’s achievement;
  • assisting parents, family members, and community members in understanding state academic content, the North Carolina Accountability Program, state and local assessments, and student performance standards;
  • communicating clearly and frequently with parents, family members, and community members about school polices, programs, and their own children;
  • educating school personnel in the value of contributions of parents, family members, and community members and in how to communicate with and build ties between the these critical stakeholders and the school in order to build school capacity and
  • annually conducting a joint evaluation of the content and effectiveness of this policy with parents, family members, and community members and maintaining on file at the school, at a minimum, a copy of the agenda from the meeting highlighting that this policy was discussed, reviewed and revised; a copy of this policy with latest revision date; proof that this policy was distributed in multiple ways (i.e., newsletter, parent handbook, website, etc.); documentation of parental feedback and/or evaluation in the form of sign-in sheets and minutes from policy meetings; and flyers, website announcements, message recordings and/or meeting advertisements.

Title I Newsletter Archives

Reviewed – August 2022
