Here at Clover Garden we have a clear vision of where we are going. After twenty-on years of serving Alamance and the surrounding counties we are excited that our new high school campus is under construction. We have a phased plan for expanding that facility over the coming years. The future phases include a state of the art Auditorium, Gymnasium, and more. You and/or your organization could be part of making our vision a reality. Unlike traditional public schools, North Carolina charter schools do not receive federal, state or local funding for facilities or transportation. As you can imagine this lack of funding make expansion projects like ours challenging.
Because of the financial challenges large scale expansion poses we are looking for personal and corporate sponsors that are willing to help us meet the challenge and achieve our vision. Please take a moment to read the prospectus shown below. It is our hope that you can feel the promise and passion we have for our students and future expansion and that you want to be a part of our future. For more information please reach out to our director, Heather Vereyken.