Name: Alexis Hill

How many years have you been a student at CGS?

I have been at Clover Garden since kindergarten, so 13 years.

What clubs, organizations, teams, etc have you been involved with during your high school career?

I was in the marching band for four years and jazz band for three years.

What is your favorite Clover Garden memory?

My favorite memories were made at marching band competitions. Watching the bands perform after our own performance was always my favorite part.

If you had to choose one person from CGS that has really made a difference in your life who would that be?

Mr. Cheek has made a difference in my academic life. I’m not as afraid to ask for help and knowing he’s there for that reason, judgment free, has always been nice.

If you had to choose two people from outside CGS that have made a difference in your life who would they be?

My dad has made a big difference in my life. He has always supported me in everything I do whether that be hobbies or life decisions. I can always count on him to be there for me through the good and bad. I am very grateful for him. Another person is my stepmom. She has brought nothing but happiness and positivity into my life. She is the kindest person I know and am very thankful for her.

What is your plan for after graduation?

I will be entering the military and hope to join the Air Force.