Name: Hannah Duckworth

How many years have you been a student at CGS?

I’ve been at Clover Garden since the 4th grade, which means I’ve been here for about 7 years!

What clubs, organizations, teams, etc have you been involved with during your high school career?

I’ve been involved with the Clover Garden Marching Grizzlies since the 8th grade and made most of my memories there. I was Clarinet co-section leader in the 10th grade and the Clarinet section leader and Wood Wind Lieutenant in 11th. This year I had the honor to be the school’s first Pep Band Director and being part of the Grizzly Pep Band was a highlight of my senior year. I was also involved in Spanish club and Geek club for two years each.

What is your favorite Clover Garden memory?

This is by far the hardest question to answer. My favorite memory probably has to come from the ride home from our very last marching competition. The bus isn’t as rowdy as normal once we settle into a ride and it was one of the best moments I’ve ever experienced. We were resting in the aftermath of a wild day and the 2022 Senior Marching Grizzly’s last hurrah before we stepped off of the field for the very last time. It wasn’t the most intense or laugh filled portion of the day, but watching my friends play video games and nudging some to make sure they were awake was the best part in my opinion. After all, what good was the fun we had if we couldn’t enjoy the residue?

If you had to choose one person from CGS that has really made a difference in your life who would that be?

Though I may have just (possibly) failed a test in his class about three hours ago, Mr. Cheek has probably made the most difference in my senior year when considering staff. While his tests may make me pull my hair out, the entertainment his class provides is enough to make up for it. For every nail biting question Cheek has provided a funny college story to make up for it. Besides being the funniest teacher, Cheek is the teacher that I think teaches me the best. As complicated as that sentence is, it’s true. Though my other teachers are just as amazing, he managed to teach me something someone else never could. Math. I hate math more than anything, but stories about fitting 13 people in one car make up for it.

If you had to choose two people from outside CGS that have made a difference in your life who would they be?

My siblings have made a lot of impact in my life. While I could count them as one strange homogenous lump to make room for someone else, they’re too unique to really separate. For every door slamming, death glaring, eye-rolling argument I have with my sister, there’s an hour of talking and laughter that makes it all evaporate. For every time I brawled with my brother over who got to play on what console, there was a moment where he offered me a controller and we played together. Though I sometimes wish I could kick them out of the car on rides home or figure out how to put them on mute, they’re still my siblings and some of my best friends as well.

What is your plan for after graduation?

I’ve been accepted to Elon and UNCG and I have locked in on the latter. I will be entering into the Fine Arts program at UNCG in the Fall of 2022 with a hope for my academic future and a healthy fear of Greensboro traffic. I hope to be able to graduate with a BA in Studio Arts and a minor in Creative Writing. My goal is to work in the realm of concept art, primarily in video games or animated projects. But art careers are fickle so I’ll take whatever I can get!