Name: Savannah Porterfield

How many years have you been a student at CGS?

I have been attending CGS for 13 years.

What clubs, organizations, teams, etc have you been involved with during your high school career?

Throughout high school, I have been involved in FCA, Beta Club, and Yearbook.

What is your favorite Clover Garden memory?

8th grade Outer Banks field trip with Mr. Kistler and Mrs. Wilson.

If you had to choose one person from CGS that has really made a difference in your life who would that be?

One person from CGS that has impacted my life would be Mike Ward. He is always there for me. He never fails to make me laugh and smile. He’s always there to encourage me and lift me up.

If you had to choose two people from outside CGS that have made a difference in your life who would they be?

The two people outside of CGS that have made an impact in my life have been my mom and dad. Without them I wouldn’t be where I am today.

What is your plan for after graduation?

After high school, I’m going to attend ACC for Medical Assisting.