Name: Brianna Gibson

How many years have you been a student at CGS?

I have been a Clover Garden Grizzly for six years.

What clubs, organizations, teams, etc have you been involved with during your high school career?

I am a mentor for a middle school student through our CGS Mentorship Program.

What is your favorite Clover Garden memory?

Being able to graduate this year and have so many memories to look back on and so many things to look forward to after high school.

If you had to choose one person from CGS that has really made a difference in your life who would that be?

Casey Thompson, has been here for me my whole senior year and I can’t express this enough, she has helped me with everything and she has had my back through thick and thin.

If you had to choose two people from outside CGS that have made a difference in your life who would they be?

My mama and deddy. They have raised me, love me, supported me, and through it all always believed in me. I don’t think that they realize just how much I appreciate and love them.

What is your plan for after graduation?

After Graduation, I plan on attending community college to study nursing. Eventually, I want to work as an R.N.


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