Name: Cameron Zachary

How many years have you been a student at CGS?

I began CGS in the 6th grade so I have been a Grizzly for 7 years.

What clubs, organizations, teams, etc have you been involved with during your high school career?

I’ve been a member of the History Club for six years and have served as president for 3 years. I have been a member of Junior Civitan for 4 years.

What is your favorite Clover Garden memory?

During my freshman year of High School, the school choir attended All Carolina Charter School Chorus Festival. As a choir we had to spend time working on the music beforehand so when we arrived to the event with all of the other schools we were close to performance ready. This experience helped shape wonderful relationships with upperclassmen and gave me a memory I will likely never forget.

If you had to choose one person from CGS that has really made a difference in your life who would that be?

If I had to choose one person that has really made a difference in my life, it would be Mr. Johnson. He provided me with many ways to serve the community during my seven years here that helped solidify my desire to be an active member in my community and find ways to serve.

If you had to choose two people from outside CGS that have made a difference in your life who would they be?

One person that impacted my life the most is my Grandpa. He loves music and that love influenced me positively fueling my desire for music. The other person that has influenced my life is God. Without him, I believe I truly would have nothing and He’s the reason all of the good things exist in my life.

What is your plan for after graduation?

After Graduation, I plan to attend Alamance Community College and transfer to a four-year university in the fall of 2023.


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