Today kicks off another new series here on the CGS blog, the Career Spotlight. These posts are intended to get our Grizzlies thinking about possible careers they might want to pursue in the future. We are going to explore questions like what education you need to get a job in the field, and what people in that position are responsible for each day. To get us started we are going to look at what it takes to be a Federal Wildlife Officer or State Game Warden.

What Do Federal Wildlife Officer or State Game Wardens Do?

According to the Fish and Wildlife Service’s website federal wildlife officers, are, “Equipped with a keen understanding of conservation rules and regulations; extensive training in progressive and proactive law enforcement practices; and genuine concern and affection for the
outdoors, Federal Wildlife Officers safeguard America’s wildlife, habitat, and treasured federal lands and waters.” Take a second to watch the video shown below.

So game Federal Wildlife Officer or State Game Wardens work with the public to make sure that the natural resources they are sworn to protect are not being abused. In addition to that, they often respond to missing person cases, vehicle accidents, and more.

What Makes A Great Federal Wildlife Officer or State Game Warden?

You may wonder what are some of the skills that a wildlife officer or game warden needs. According to the website the following skills are important.

  • Physical stamina: This job may require hiking, walking, swimming, and running over rough terrain, sometimes in bad weather. You must be able to successfully apprehend violators and perform search-and-rescue missions.
  • Communication and interpersonal skills: You will need to educate the public, as well as deal effectively with those involved in an incident, accident, or crime. You may also be called upon to testify in court.
  • Leadership skills: You must be prepared to take charge and handle sometimes difficult or stressful situations in a calm, reasonable manner.
  • Strong moral character: As a law enforcement figure, you must have honesty and integrity in dealing with people, wildlife, and the environment, as all of them rely on you for protection.

Some of the best men and women in this field are those that had a love for the outdoors well before they began working in the field. So if you are an avid hiker, fisherman, hunter, or have a passion for conservation and preservation this job might be one to explore further.

What Kind of Education Do I Need ?

The majority of game warden jobs have specific requirements when it comes to education and experience. Most state game warden jobs require a bachelor’s degree in programs such as wildlife conservation, wildlife management, environmental science, or forestry, while a few states recognize an associate’s degree as a minimum educational requirement. Since game wardens are considered law enforcement officers they must also complete a basic law enforcement program of study.

Interested yet?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the states with the most jobs for fish and game wardens are Texas, New York, Georgia, California, and North Carolina. So if this career appeals to you you are in a great state for finding a job! To investigate more check out the links below.

North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
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United States Fish and Wildlife Service
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