Hunter Hackney

Hunter is another Clover Garden student that started with us in Kindergarten and will graduate as a Grizzly! He has been a fixture at Clover Garden participating in different clubs and athletic teams. During high school, he has participated in Spanish Club, BETA, Band, Varsity Basketball, The Dream Team, Dual Enrollment-Early College and PALs.

Hunter is excited to begin his college career at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where he will study Business Management.

When asked what he thought the Class of 2020’s legacy would be he replied, that he thought his graduating class would be remembered as, “The class that got their senior year canceled.” We are glad that Hunter’s sense of humor wasn’t canceled!

As Hunter reminisced over his years at Clover Garden, he stated that is favorite memories were made, “Hanging with the boys in online classes and leaving school for college tours and basketball games with the boys.” Great memories made with great friends.

Being a senior gives you the chance for reflection and time to realize who helped you get to that cap and gown you have worked so hard for. For Hunter, that group consists of, “My mom and dad for enrolling me in this school knowing I could succeed here. Mrs.Todd she was my fourth-grade teacher and was the best teacher I have ever had.”

Hunter, as you head to UNCW and become a Seahawk, know that you will always be a Grizzly! Congratulations and good luck!


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