In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene’s devastating impact, FernLeaf Community Charter School urgently seeks support to rebuild, reconnect, and recover. The beloved Creek Campus, which served over 430 Kindergarten through 4th grade students, has been severely impacted by catastrophic flooding. Your assistance is crucial in providing the necessary resources and supplies to help these young learners and their community regain stability and continue their education. Contributions can be made through our fundraising efforts or by donating items from our Amazon Wish Lists. Thank you for your generosity during this challenging time.
Jr. Civitans, in partnership with Mr. Graham’s mentorship program, is actively assisting in Hurricane Relief efforts by adopting the FernLeaf Community Charter, which has faced significant losses. They are collecting essential supplies to aid the school’s recovery, and you can support their mission through the provided links, including a general Amazon Wish List for items needed. Your contributions will make a meaningful impact in helping FernLeaf rebuild and support its community.