September 20, 2024

Today is #WhyApply Day! We need you to talk to everyone you know about why it’s important for students to apply to a postsecondary institution. So put on your college gear and join the American College Application Campaign (ACAC) to build excitement around the college application process.   To celebrate the nearly 467,000 students who will participate in the college application campaign this fall, #WhyApply Day will kick off the college application season, and provide encouragement for students. Show your support by sharing why you believe students should apply to college. 
Tina Gridiron, Chief Equity & Impact Officer, ACT’s Center for Equity in Learning 
Here’s how to participate: Print a #WhyApply selfie printout or use a blank piece of paper with the hashtag on it. Write your response to the question “Why apply to college?” on it. Put on your college gear and take a photo with your #WhyApply statement. On Sept. 20, post your photo or statement to your personal or organization’s social media channels using the hashtag #WhyApply and tag ACAC. X (formerly Twitter): @American_CAC. Facebook: Instagram: @American_CAC
Find more resources and ways to participate on our website here. We’ll be watching from the ACAC social media accounts and looking for great posts to share. Join us in empowering students, and let’s make #WhyApply Day 2024 a memorable and meaningful event! 
Janet Godwin 2024 #WhyApply
Janet Godwin, CEO, ACT