Yesterday we shared that CGS is celebrating National Arts in Education Week. While we may be a week behind other schools in our celebration our dance department certainly isn’t behind in their ability to creatively share their talents! In the video below the CGS Dance Ensemble showcases their skill to a jazz piece by Dua Lipa. Our student dancers often entertain at athletic events, compete in dance competitions, and share their talents during concerts. Our dance department also looks for opportunities for our students to share their skills off campus as well. They have traveled locally to retirement homes, elementary schools, churches, participated in parades, and take part in workshops/seminars.
Dance ensemble students learn a variety of dance styles and routines. Our dance department’s overall goal is to help students find their creative voice and express themselves with movement. High schoolers are not the only students that benefit from dance here at CGS. Elementary students are also given the chance to explore creativity through movement. Be on the lookout for our young dancers in motion later this week.
#artsEDWEEK #CGSarts
Tags: #artsedweek, #CGSarts, dance, the arts