Clover Garden’s third grade ELA and social studies teacher Mrs. Long is always getting creative and coming up with great ideas to keep her kiddos motivated and excited to go to school each day! Students in Mrs. Longs love the idea of choice boards and are active participants in what they choose to do for the day. They can be found through the NCDPI website and shared directly to their google drive for them to revisit. Her students have the ability to explore several amazing web sites and visit somewhere new each week. They can listen to podcasts, check out what’s fresh on National Geographic, access a library full of adventures, and more!

Students love having the ability to choose their next adventure and then take it even further and incorporate skills they have learned in class that week. For example, during her point of view unit, she had them use the storyline online digital center to complete a graphic organizer about point of view.

Check out just a few of the awesome sites these choice boards are linked to!

They share, show and tell all they have learned through google forms and share their favorites through discussions and more. They are encouraging and sharing with their peers to create an awesome classroom community even at home! CGS is loving watching our 3rd grade grow and learn through this and many more creative and engaging activities!

Post contributed by: Mrs. Browne


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